Hade jag haft en crosshoj i dag hade det inte varit några problem, vi trodde det var fel på cykeln eftersom den inte hade någon kontroll på framdelen alls över 100 mph, den flöt fram som på snö eller is, vi försökte med allt tills vi pratade med andra hojåkare och de hade samma problem. Det var livsfarligt så vi packade i hop, hoppas de fixar banan tills i morgon annars kommer pensioneringen av ramen tidigare.
Had I had a motocross bike in the day there had not been any problems, we thought it was wrong on the bike because it had no control on the front at all over 100 mph, it flowed as on snow or ice, we tried everything until we talked with other bikers and they had the same problem. It was dangerous so we stopped going, I hope they fix the track until tomorrow otherwise the retirement of the previous frame.
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