Nu orkar jag inte putsa mer, det går inte att få den högra motorhuven lika blank som resten, det måste vara något konstig aluminiumlegering.
I can not polish more, you can not get it right the hood as shiny as the rest, there must be something strange aluminum alloy.
torsdag 30 mars 2017
onsdag 29 mars 2017
Titta vad kolven har nosat på toppen, den övre, insugsventilen har ett märke kl. halvfem och ovanför tändstiftet finns ett till, men den varvade mycket när kolven gick hädan.
Look what piston has sniffed at the top, the top, the intake valve has a label at. half past four and above spark plug is one, but the spinning much when the piston broke.
Look what piston has sniffed at the top, the top, the intake valve has a label at. half past four and above spark plug is one, but the spinning much when the piston broke.
söndag 26 mars 2017
Extra fotskydd
Hela dagen tog det, 10 timmar att få till de här plåtbitarna, nu har jag nog bara ett problem med säkerhetsbältet kvar, och lite elkoppling...
All day long, it took 10 hours to get to these metal pieces, now I probably just a problem with the seat belt left, and little electricity connection ...
All day long, it took 10 hours to get to these metal pieces, now I probably just a problem with the seat belt left, and little electricity connection ...
Agnes reservelsystem till Peugeoten
De här kontakterna ser bättre ut Biltemaskiten jag har monterat nu, har du en något liknande hemma, skicka dom till mig!
Agnes reserved electrical system to the Peugeot moped.
These contacts look better Biltema shit I have mounted now, you will have a something similar at home, send them to me!
Agnes reserved electrical system to the Peugeot moped.
These contacts look better Biltema shit I have mounted now, you will have a something similar at home, send them to me!
CAD-Kungen Stolpe
Det blir en ny cylinderfotspackning på 16,5mm, Daniel har gjort en ritning i sin CAD. Jag pratade med Sven Håkansson om problemen med att få toppen tät och han föreslog att vi skulle skippa kopparpackningen och köra utan, det gjorde jag ibland när jag åkte isracing (inte körde) och jag inbillar mig att det blev bättre utan packning. Nu är jag modern!
There will be a new cylinderfoot gasket of 16.5 mm, Daniel has made a drawing in CAD. I spoke with Sven Hakansson of the problems with getting top sealed and he suggested that we skip the copper gasket, I did sometimes when I went out ice racing (not racing) and I imagine that it was better without packing. Now I'm modern!
There will be a new cylinderfoot gasket of 16.5 mm, Daniel has made a drawing in CAD. I spoke with Sven Hakansson of the problems with getting top sealed and he suggested that we skip the copper gasket, I did sometimes when I went out ice racing (not racing) and I imagine that it was better without packing. Now I'm modern!
lördag 25 mars 2017
Upphängning till bromsskärm
Det blev en del gjort fast Bollnäs torskade i Bandyfinalen. rullen längst ned där ska bromsskärmen sitta. I morgon får jag sätta fart, endast 4 timmar i dag.
It became parts done today but Bollnas lost Bandy finale. roller at the bottom where the drag chute
sit. Tomorrow I most work faster, only 4 hours a day.
It became parts done today but Bollnas lost Bandy finale. roller at the bottom where the drag chute
sit. Tomorrow I most work faster, only 4 hours a day.
fredag 24 mars 2017
TGS Stål i Knivsta
Äntligen har jag hittat en ersättare till Ståldepån där vi köpte aluminium tidigare, visserligen ligger dom i Knivsta men de kapade till precis det jag ville ha direkt.
I've finally found a replacement for steel depot where we bought aluminum earlier, although they are in Knivsta but the cut to exactly what I wanted right away.
I've finally found a replacement for steel depot where we bought aluminum earlier, although they are in Knivsta but the cut to exactly what I wanted right away.
söndag 19 mars 2017
10 timmar i dag igen
Glaset åkte på och resten av dagen gick åt att justera plåten bakom det. Tur att Pålle och KåpIngvar kom och idkade lite produktionsstörning.
The glass went on and the rest of the day was spent adjusting plate behind it. Luckily Pålle and KåpIngvar came and had some production disruption.
The glass went on and the rest of the day was spent adjusting plate behind it. Luckily Pålle and KåpIngvar came and had some production disruption.
fredag 17 mars 2017
Farbror Kjell
Ni vet han med fräsen, han har fräst två saker till streamlinern, gaffeln till vänster kommer att bultas fast till ett bromsskärmsfäste och den högra blir ett fäste till påknuffningshjulet, det var ett konstigt ord. Men på grund av utväxlingen tror vi att den Gamla Blå Forden får hjälpa i gång mig, så vi bultar en planka fram på grillen och den får knuffa på ett nylonhjul som sitter längst bak på ekipaget.
Unkel Kjell
You know the man with the mill, he has milled two things to streamlinern, fork to the left will be bolted to a brake chute and the right will be a stronghold for påknuffnings wheel, it was a strange word. But because of the gear ratio, we believe that the old blue Ford will help me in time, so we assemble a board out on the grill and must press a nylon wheels at the rear of streamlinern.
Unkel Kjell
You know the man with the mill, he has milled two things to streamlinern, fork to the left will be bolted to a brake chute and the right will be a stronghold for påknuffnings wheel, it was a strange word. But because of the gear ratio, we believe that the old blue Ford will help me in time, so we assemble a board out on the grill and must press a nylon wheels at the rear of streamlinern.
torsdag 16 mars 2017
Huvöppningen är klar
Hoppas Tom Evans tycker det är bra, jag tycker det fungerar.
Hope Tom Evans thinks it's good, I think it works.
Hope Tom Evans thinks it's good, I think it works.
onsdag 15 mars 2017
Det blir två spakar som jag trycker ut sprintarna med.
There will be two levers I press the locking pins with.
There will be two levers I press the locking pins with.
tisdag 14 mars 2017
Låsmekanismerna som sitter i framkant kärvade så jag satte ett stag som håller ihop alltihop, nu går allt så lätt så lätt.
The locking mechanisms that sits at the forefront carved so I put a brace that holds it all together, now is everything so easy so easy.
The locking mechanisms that sits at the forefront carved so I put a brace that holds it all together, now is everything so easy so easy.
måndag 13 mars 2017
söndag 12 mars 2017
Inner bur
Halva är klar, fixar jag resten till veckan är jag glad.
Half is done, do I fix the rest of the week I'm happy.
Half is done, do I fix the rest of the week I'm happy.
fredag 10 mars 2017
Rykröret klart
I morgon åker cylindern av igen, jag har fått extra foder från England så jag måste mäta lite.
In the morning I take away the cylinder again, I have received extra liner from England so I have to measure a little.
In the morning I take away the cylinder again, I have received extra liner from England so I have to measure a little.
onsdag 8 mars 2017
Vilken klant!
Jag som trodde att jag spänt på fjädern vad det gick, den var i det mjukaste läget, nu fungerar fjädringen super!
I thought I stretched spring as much as possible, it was in the softest mode, now works suspension super!
I thought I stretched spring as much as possible, it was in the softest mode, now works suspension super!
onsdag 1 mars 2017
Äntligen lyckades jag få till sprinten, det blev bra på fjärde försöket.
Jag tror jag slopar fjädern som sitter innanför bromsskärmen och gör en justerbar platta istället.
Finally succeeded in making the sprint to pull the chute, it was fine on the fourth attempt.
I think I will remove the spring located inside the drag chute and make an adjustable plate instead.
Jag tror jag slopar fjädern som sitter innanför bromsskärmen och gör en justerbar platta istället.
Finally succeeded in making the sprint to pull the chute, it was fine on the fourth attempt.
I think I will remove the spring located inside the drag chute and make an adjustable plate instead.
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