Gott Nytt År allihopa, vi åkte till Thailand, efter 7 timmar i landet åkte jag på årets magsjuka och spydde i 6 timmar utan avbrott, djävla Thaimat! Nu får det bli basmat som Mc Donalds och Pizza i fortsättningen!
Happy New Year everyone, we went to Thailand, after 7 hours in the country, I went on this year stomach bug and vomited for 6 hours without a break, damn Thai food! Now, it may be the basic food like Mc Donald's and Pizza in the future!
tisdag 31 december 2013
fredag 27 december 2013
Ingen kolv, men en pärlplatta!
Det blev som jag trodde, ingen kolv, en pärlplatta fick jag i alla fall, tack Alva.
It was as I thought, no piston, a pearly plate, I got anyway, thanks Alva.
It was as I thought, no piston, a pearly plate, I got anyway, thanks Alva.
Min mekanikerslav Sven han fick en kolv han, han har tur han!
My mechanic slave Sven he got a piston he, he's lucky he is!
måndag 23 december 2013
söndag 22 december 2013
MC Collection
Eftersom MC Collection har Italienveckor nu så passade jag på att vara lite kulturell och gå på museum i dag. En 500 Laverda hade en stor mattallrik under motorn för att samla allt oljespill, typiskt italienskt!
Since the MC Collection have Italy weeks now so I took the opportunity to be a little cultural and go to the museum today. A 500 Laverda had a large dinner plate under the engine to collect all oil spills, typically Italian!
Since the MC Collection have Italy weeks now so I took the opportunity to be a little cultural and go to the museum today. A 500 Laverda had a large dinner plate under the engine to collect all oil spills, typically Italian!
lördag 21 december 2013
Tomten kan dra åt helvete!
Jag tror inte att jag får någon kolv eller cylinder i år heller fast jag skrivit det högst på önskelistan. Gubbdjäveln är säkert bara båg.
I do not think I get any piston or cylinder this year either, though I posted it at the top of the wishlist. Old man bastard's probably just a lie.
I do not think I get any piston or cylinder this year either, though I posted it at the top of the wishlist. Old man bastard's probably just a lie.
måndag 16 december 2013
Lars Nimbus
Lars träffade jag för några år sedan, då åkte han Indian och hade ingen mekaniker med sig under SpeedWeek. Efter tävlingen så skickade han hem cykeln till Danmark, så hade han alltid gjort, det kan inte ha varit billigt. Senaste åren har jag inte sett till honom men nu har han byggt en Nimbus, kanske inte är den rejsigaste motorn, men den är från hans hemland Danmark.
Lars, I met a few years ago when he drove Indian and had no mechanic with them during Speed Week. After the contest, so he sent home the motorcycle to Denmark, he had always done like that, it can not have been cheap. Last few years I have not seen him but now he has built a Nimbus, maybe not the fastest engine, but it is from his native Denmark.
Lars, I met a few years ago when he drove Indian and had no mechanic with them during Speed Week. After the contest, so he sent home the motorcycle to Denmark, he had always done like that, it can not have been cheap. Last few years I have not seen him but now he has built a Nimbus, maybe not the fastest engine, but it is from his native Denmark.
söndag 15 december 2013
Rostfritt i lådorna
Allt såg bra ut i lådorna, det enda problemet var att vi skruvat igen dom amerikanska torqueskruvar som ingen människa i Sverige har rätt verktyg för, men med bågfil och huggmejsel så gick det bra till slut. Titta vad nitro gör med vipporna på bilden under, alldeles bruna.
Everything looked good in the boxes, the only problem was that we hooked with American torque screws that no man in Sweden have the right tools, but with a hacksaw and chisel it went well in the end.
Everything looked good in the boxes, the only problem was that we hooked with American torque screws that no man in Sweden have the right tools, but with a hacksaw and chisel it went well in the end.
lördag 14 december 2013
Jan Selinder
I dag hämtade jag mina motorlådor i Gävle hos Jan, han sköter importen från Bert i Seattle,vill du ha en bil importerad från norra västkusten så leta upp en bil på, ring janne som som sedan ber Bert kolla upp att bilen är OK. Dom verkar ha ett bra samarbete så det flyter över en hel del bilar varje år.
Today I picked up my engine boxes in Gävle in Jan, he manages imports from Bert in Seattle, do you want a car imported from the north west coast so look up a car at, call janne or Bert and they will check that the car is OK. They seem to have a good working relationship so it floats over a lot of cars every year.
Today I picked up my engine boxes in Gävle in Jan, he manages imports from Bert in Seattle, do you want a car imported from the north west coast so look up a car at, call janne or Bert and they will check that the car is OK. They seem to have a good working relationship so it floats over a lot of cars every year.
tisdag 10 december 2013
Motorerna har kommit till Gävle!
Janne S ringde i kväll och meddelade att lådorna har kommit, äntligen får jag börja att tjata på Anders Karling om hjälp med insprutningskonverteringen.
Janne S rang this evening and announced that the boxes have arrived, finally, I begin to nag at Anders Karling for help with fuel injection conversion.
Janne S rang this evening and announced that the boxes have arrived, finally, I begin to nag at Anders Karling for help with fuel injection conversion.
måndag 2 december 2013
Pengarna har kommit!
Våra 18 dollar som vi hade betalat för mycket i skatt när vi hyrde bil i Los Angeles 2007 har kommit, meddelandet att vi skulle få dom fick vi i juli 2012, nu gäller det att hinna till Bank of America innan checken går ut i maj nästa år.Fast det kanske är lika bra att den får förfalla, det går ju inte så bra för USA i dag.
Our $ 18 we had paid too much in taxes when we rented a car in Los Angeles in 2007 has come, the message that we would get them, we received in July 2012, now we have to get to Bank of America before the check expires in May next years ..
Our $ 18 we had paid too much in taxes when we rented a car in Los Angeles in 2007 has come, the message that we would get them, we received in July 2012, now we have to get to Bank of America before the check expires in May next years ..
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